A Year in Collage mm365

A Year in Collage mm365

At the beginning of 2022 I made a re-commitment to my creative arts practice. I constantly talk about creativity and living a creative life, and it dawned on me that I was missing a fundamental part to that, which was to create art on a more regular basis. My response...

International Association of Facilitators (IAF) 2023

I thoroughly enjoyed attending and presenting at the IAF conference in Canberra. It was such a collegial atmosphere, and great to catch up with people I haven’t seen for a while, as well as meeting people I’ve spent the last few years getting to know virtually. Then...

Life-Long Learning & Accreditations

I’m a life-long learner and enjoy all sorts of learning experiences, which has resulted in two recent accreditation milestones. Over the past few years, I’ve been deep in the world of team coaching and recently obtained accreditation from the EMCC Global Team Coaching...

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Creative Leadership for the 21st Century - For Business to Fourish Not Merely Survive!

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